Not Another Teen Movie

    Imagine this, it is one am on a Thursday, and you have loads of scholarships due in a couple of days. You could potentially go to bed or maybe even work on your essays, but you know what would be more fun? Watching a satirical teenage rom-com featuring Chris Evans.

    As I previously mentioned, an enjoyable movie doesn't have to be beautifully composed, have a witty storyline, or even good acting. Not Another Teen Movie is a prime example of this. The movie is short enough to keep me engaged throughout the entire runtime. It is also JAM PACKED with references to the point where I was grinning like an idiot and thinking: "WOW! I understood that reference!" 

    Personally, I find parody movies one of those so-bad-it's-good experiences. Movies like Scary Movie, Cabin in the Woods, and Epic Movie are some solid examples of this genre. Are they cinematic masterpieces? Obviously not. They make me irrationally angry, but I just cannot stop watching them because they are just SUCH a blast!

    I can't decide whether it's paying respect or blatantly ripping off the other successful teen rom-coms. For instance, the main conflicts of the movie revolve around Chris Evans taking on a bet, agreeing to transform the dorky girl with the ponytails and glasses into the prom queen. Sounds familiar? Yes because it's the plot of "She's all that". It poked fun at many other generic tropes such as the black best friend, the cocky jock, the random musical in the final act, the quirky protagonist, the mean blonde, etc. 

    There are many nods and hints throughout this film to other iconic movies. The ones I noticed were: 10 Things I Hate About You, Ferris Buller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, and 16 Candles, Grease and American Pie. I'm sure there is more that I either don't remember or didn't notice. As previously mentioned, I don't know if they were mocking or honouring teen rom-coms, but I like to see it as a sweet love letter or an homage to all the movies that built the foundation of this genre. 

4/5: you'll probably exhale loudly from your nose a couple of times.


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