Batman (2022)



    I went to watch this movie at the movie theatres the day after it came out. You might be like, but why? Truth be told, I love superhero movies and I think Robert Pattinson is insane (not insanely good-looking or insane at acting. He's just legitimately unhinged, and I adore him for that).

    Either way, my best friend and I did our normal before-movie-ritual, such as going to the record store, buying food to smuggle in, and cursing ourselves for not making it there on time yet again. (Also, the guy at the record store stole the record I've been eyeing for months. It was the last copy of Ziggy Stardust in the last three record stores I went to. Saying I was upset was an understatement.) 

   Normally, I am not a big DC fan. Marvel has been my go-to comic to movie adaptation company for the longest time, but the new Batman exceeded my expectations. After a full year of none stop mediocre marvel movies, the movie was a nice change of pace. It had a darker, edgier tone to it, and it felt more like a mystery action than what the new Marvel movies have been putting out. 

    Don't get me wrong, I like the new tone of the campier, brighter, and more fun marvel movies. The issue is that we have been getting WAY too much Marvel content lately which would've been fine if they weren't all super formulated. Think of all the newer Marvel movies, they all have so much in common and the old format has been done over and over again. Think about the big CGI third act with big explosions and colourful rays, the quirky comic relief side-kick, and the love interest that has the personality of a goldfish. I think that unless they change their script format, Marvel will tire out their audience which would lead to their eventual downfall.

    On the other hand, however, DC has recently perfected the art of making not their movies suck as much as they used to! They still release some completely unbearable movies, but they seem to have been taking more risks and trying new things. 
    In my opinion, the riddler was the highlight of this movie. His villainous instincts felt legitimately threatening even though he is just a little incel boy. Even if he did pull the sympathy card on us, you still didn't feel bad for him. The movie really made us understand how truly disturbed he was. The main conflict wasn't something we've seen over and over again like Bruce's parents dying or his arch-nemesis, the joker (and let's be honest, it will be very hard to beat Heath Ledger's performance, and the new joker will never live without getting compared to its The Dark Night counterpart.)

    The cinematography of this movie was phenomenal, and the score gave me shivers. From the Batman theme to something in the way by Nirvana. The acting was also absolutely amazing and kept me engaged throughout its three-hour-long run time. My only complaint about this movie (or any of the recent movies in general) was the fact that it immediately teased us for a sequel and started forming a cinematic universe. I would have loved seeing more of Pattinson's portrayal of Batman, but I am so done with Hollywood making sequels after remakes after sequels after remakes. Give me a break! Make something original for once!

5/5 Definitely worth giving it a watch
